This person is usually around you all the time and they call their self your friend. They go out to the club with you, shop with you there one of your closet friends. But every time you bring up something good that happened in your life they always have something negative to say about it. This person is your 24 hour hater. For example you could tell them you went on an interview for a new job and instead of saying that’s good I hope you get it. They say you probably won’t get it so why waste your time thinking about it. Or you could tell them you’re going back to school to get your college degree and they would say why you still won’t find a good job in this recession. This person is never positive they hate on every positive thing you do in your life anything you do to try to better yourself this person hates on it. A 24 hour hater could be male or female and they are always person that you consider to be one of your best friends. Sometimes they can even be a family member. But in realty you never notice how negative they are because your use to hearing them say negative things to you all the time. Eventually this negativity starts to rub off on you and you start to think that you can’t accomplish goals you have set for yourself and you start to second guess yourself. At one point in my life I had my own 24 hour hater this person would text me, call me we would talk and hang out all the time. I considered this person to be one of my best friends. But every time I would tell this person a new idea I had for a business or something good I was going to do in my life. This person always had something negative to say about it. I had to step back and think about why I was starting to second guess myself I realized the negative things this person would say to me I was starting to believe. So I ended my friendship with this person. If you have someone like this in your life you should cut them out of your life because there not encouraging you there only bringing you down and you don’t need negative people in your life. I know that this next statement is going to sound like I’m contradicting myself but if you think about I’m right. In a way you should congratulate your 24 hour hater because there your motivator and you always want to prove this person wrong and succeed in life. Like I always say my success is a hater’s poison.